
Scourge the invincible
Scourge the invincible

scourge the invincible

Always Chaotic Evil: Subverted.The Viltrumites are originally portrayed as Might Makes Right conquerors who considered all other species slaves.They went with easily recognizable archetypes because they simply didn't have time to come up with wholly original characters and make the reader care about them as well. This was acknowledged by the creators themselves in the second trade paperback.

scourge the invincible

Additionally, most villains faced in the first volume are 1:1 counterparts of Marvel villains (i.e., The Elephant=Rhino, the Lizard League=Serpent Society, etc.) Alternate Company Equivalent: The original Guardians of the Globe (except maybe Black Samson, who seems to be an Iron Man Expy) were thinly-veiled clones of the Justice League of America.All There in the Manual: All the information, such as Shrinking Ray's possible origin, insight on Atlantean culture and background on villains like Kursk, are revealed in The Official Handbook of the Invincible Universe.The third time they come back they do it to seek vengeance on Omni-Man, and have learned english by studying him (it's also after Omni-Man had lead a revolution in their world, so he had presumably found a way to communicate). The first two times, they don't speak at all. Justified with the interdimensional beings.And taken to the extreme by the fact that the whole Cosmic Federation seems to use english, or the "Earth/Urath" mistake couldn't have happened.

scourge the invincible scourge the invincible

Mark: Wait a minute! Are you guys speaking English? Unlike many examples of this trope, the food turns out to be quite tasty indeed, although Eve is sufficiently unnerved by its appearance to limit herself to vegetables. The result is a spread of extremely alien animals (many of them looking disturbingly humanoid) and seafood.

  • Alien Lunch: Shortly after their arrival on the Coalition capital planet, Mark and Eve are visited by Oliver and his Insectoid Alien girlfriend Haluma, who cooks for them.
  • One of the most goretastic moments of this is the fight between Thragg and Battle Beast, who fought a bloody battle for days.
  • Air Jousting: Many of the aerial battles between Viltrumites end up like this in Invincible, thanks to them being a race of Flying Bricks.
  • At the very least it immediately disrupts their ability to fly. It can do everything from causing severe pain to inducing a waking-dream coma, and can possibly kill them outright. This makes them extremely vulnerable to high-pitched frequencies. Due to the fact that Viltrumites can fly, they have incredibly advanced and complex inner ears. The easiest one to exploit is their equilibrium.
  • Achilles' Heel: Viltrumites have few weaknesses.
  • Invincible doesn't criticize her for having the abortion, instead lamenting that he wasn't there for her during her time of need. When he returns, Eve tearfully tells him that she had an abortion, feeling that she wasn't ready to have a child by herself since there was a very real possibility that Invincible wouldn't come back. Shortly thereafter, Invincible leaves Earth to take part in a cosmic war and is gone for months, with Eve never telling him she's with child.
  • Abortion Fallout Drama: During the course of their relationship, Atom Eve becomes pregnant with Invincible's child.

  • Scourge the invincible